Bungy Jump Cairns – Skypark by AJ Hackett

Get ready to push your limits and break the laws of gravity at Cairns Bungy Spot – home to Australia’s first and only bungy tower.



The highlights of your tour

It doesn’t matter whether you jump to be able to say “Yes, I did it” or because you want the T-shirt or simply to impress others. Everything is justified, but by far the best reason to jump is because you want to overcome your fear and fight your inner bastard. Putting yourself on the edge, ignoring your sweaty palms and the rumbling in your stomach is something you could never have imagined. JUST DO IT!!! The enormous 50m high tower is impossible to miss, even in the dense jungle. It is located 15 km north of Cairns, surrounded by tropical rainforest, and offers you a spectacular view of the Great Barrier Reef. For more than 10 years, this tower has been the ultimate altar for those who want to conquer their fear. Hundreds of thousands from all over the world have made the pilgrimage to this bungy mecca and dared to do the unimaginable.


What is included

  • 1 Bungy Jump and 1 limited edition T-shirt
  • Free transportation from Cairns and the Northern Beaches (for those who book the Bungy Jump)


Everything you need to know

Start times: Daily
Start: 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00


What can be booked in addition.

$10 fee (mandatory)
Videos and photos


What you should bring with you

A thirst for adventure


Where exactly are you going


Do you have any questions?

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